Friday, April 6, 2012

Natural remedies for acne

There are many options for you to consider when you’re looking into non chemical treatments for getting rid of acne.There are many over the counter remedies for getting rid of acne that are completely natural in that they contain no harmful chemicals that can do damage to your skin.  All you need to do is figure out your skin type and purchase one of these over the counter remedies to try to use on your skin to get rid of acne.When people are looking for non chemical treatments to get rid of acne many people turn to natural remedies.  There are many natural items such as lemon juice and aloe Vera gel that help the skin to naturally heal and rid itself of acne.Changing a diet is another not chemical treatment for getting rid of acne.

Changes can be made simply in your diet to include more foods that include vitamins like A and E in order to help fend off acne.This is just the start of the things that you can select that are not chemically based in order to get rid of acne.  It may take some time to figure out which will work the best for you and maybe even a combination of remedies is what you need to do in order to get rid of acne but it will be well worth the research.

1 comment:

  1. Sodium Bicarbonate is one of the most powerful Natural Remedies for Acne. Simply mix water and baking soda into a paste. Apply this mixture on your acne scars and blemishes, and let it sit for about 2-3 minutes, then rinse and wash your skin. Use this technique twice daily for best results.
